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10 Years Strong and Still Growing!

Cast Iron Skillet Culinaire, LLC celebrates 10 years of "culinary edutainment" in Texas! Thanks so much to Braman Winery in Richmond for giving us the first opportunity. I totally appreciate my smart, talented, and beautiful children Arielle, Amiah, and Adrian who made that first event smashing! They helped with everything from the marketing to the meal service, which was great. Special thanks to the Houston Association of Port Arthurans for their support. My family and friends, are Staci V. Harris, Reena Harris, Tangye Stephney, Sean, and Melanie Perrodin. Your presence meant the world to me!

I’ve come a long way since that event. My goal is to expand the Cast Iron Skillet Culinaire brand over the next 10 years! Our portfolio now includes @blackwomenchefs IG- Celebrating Black Women Chefs, African American Foodways, and @giftsfromtheancestors IG- food genealogy of Creole recipes from Louisiana.

Look for new & exciting developments from both platforms. Much love and gratitude, Sheri



Chef Sheri's Tips


Each Mother Sauce produces two to three secondary sauces and host of derivitive sauces.



The key to developing rich sauces is in mastering the art of making a Roux.



Over-hydrated or thin sauces can be saved by making "slurry"; part cool sauce or liquid plus starch for thickening.

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